The Astrology Company: November 2020 by Bob Mulligan

 November 2020

By Bob Mulligan

(a personal note is at the end of the newsletter) 

There are a number of noteworthy astrological events in November.  First Mercury turns Direct on the 3rdThis is Election Day in the United States.  The last time this occurred was in 2000.  A colleague of mine predicted that we would not know the outcome of the election on this day.  Some surprises are in store this time. Second Jupiter is Conjunct Pluto on the 12th.  This is the final Capricorn Conjunction in this series. The surrounding aspects suggest agitation, polarization, and the momentary strengthening of tradition. Third – The next day on the 13th Mars turns Direct.  Pent up emotions can spill out, manifesting in impulsive actions.  FourthNeptune turns Direct on the 28th.   From this point on, until the end of the year, the Square between Neptune and the Nodal Axis will continue to narrow.  This long forming aspect is a major indicator of confusion, misinformation, and misguided illusions about our cherished ideals.  Fifth – The month ends with a Full Moon partial Eclipse on the 30thThis is the last of four such eclipses this year.  This is always a great time for meditation and offering our prayers with sincerity.  In turn, this brings spiritual progress. 

The New Moon on the 15th is at 23 degrees of Scorpio at 12:07 AM EST.  The triple Conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto is Sextile the New Moon, and also Square Venus. This is great for business and tough on love.  This may be a month that is easy to be focused on external tasks while neglecting our personal life.  Neptune Trines the New Moon showing the emotional dimension of our idealistic nature.  We may believe our love life is on solid ground even as the facts drift away from our theories.   Mercury is Opposite Uranus and Mars is Stationary turning Direct.  This indicates we can be overly invested (and anxious) in results that are still at some distance.  With Venus Trine the North Node of the Moon, we profit by embracing new sources of information wholeheartedly. 

The Sun enters Sagittarius on the 21st at 3:41 PM EST.  The Moon is Void of Course which favors inner life, but not external actions.  Venus is Semi-sextile the Sun, giving our love life a boost.  Mercury is Trine Neptune.  This solar month provides opportunities to grow in wisdom by exploring a higher vision of truth.  Our biggest challenge all month will be to synthesize what we have already learned. 

The Full Moon on the 30th is a penumbra Eclipse at 4:29 AM EST on 8 degrees of Sagittarius/Gemini.  Venus in Scorpio is Opposite Uranus in Taurus.  Although this indicates that compromise is very difficult, the Sun and Moon are both in growth aspects (Semi-sextile and Quincunx) to them.  If we choose wisely at this moment, we make real progress over the next two weeks.  We are going on a trip; what do we take with us and what do we leave behind?  So much right now seems ‘all or nothing’.  Mercury in Scorpio is Sextile the three giants in Capricorn.  With determination, careful analysis, and fidelity to our conscience, we make the right choices and keep moving. 

From the 1st to the 8th we are trying to change directions, but we meet obstacles. Only kindness and openness can transform our attitudes toward each other.  Still, there are certain things that must happen; the path in front of us is unavoidable.  Decisions made now have long-term consequences, and will work out over the next few months. 

From the 9th to the 15th we finish up things already in motion.  The tension between people can be much more intense than usual, but a little work can improve our whole pattern of relationships.  Understanding of other people’s point of view is purposeful.  We can improve our interactions with partners, coworkers, and those with whom we do business. 

From the 16th to the 22nd various warring parties in society mirror an inner struggle we must all face. Parts of our personality hold us back while our higher self represents an avenue to real growth.  We can be our finer selves if we hold firmly to the core of our permanent values.

From the 23rd to the 30th passions overrule reasoning.  However, fresh insights exert some directive influence over our gathering enthusiasm.  Our common tasks must still be done, but beyond  our concentration on everyday routines, there seems to be a new zest for life.  The world is still digesting an overly polarized reality, but people seem more confident. 

1st – Sunday – Mercury Square Saturn –  The level of excitement and confrontation is reaching a fever pitch.  Our expectation is positive, but there is an aura of suspicion and suspense.  Self-doubt and fear of others can stain an otherwise productive day.  We are best off to keep our heads down and deal with the tasks at hand. 

2nd – Monday –   Hard work brings results. Important relationships need attention and our efforts are not in vain.  Confusion and shifting attitudes can give us room to alter our thinking and overall approach to life.  Practical steps can help release tension. 

3rd – Tuesday – Mercury turns Direct, Venus Quincunx Uranus –  The world looks different, and there is a struggle to get clear and accurate information.  We need to see things as they are instead of how we would like them to be.  We all have the ability to rise above the confusion and contradictions. 

4th – Wednesday –  Lots of good conversations and careful thought can help us embrace our true responsibilities while moving forward.  We overcome fear by seeing beyond the confines of our own narrow interests. 

5th – Thursday –  Home, family, and the details of our personal life require some attention. New circumstances promote reevaluation.  This is a perfect moment to look back at where we have been and gain a new interpretation of our experiences.  There is a hidden meaning to our history that is coming to the surface.

6th – Friday – Mercury Square Saturn –  If we have faith in ourselves and life the path is clear.  Still, we must put forth some effort to accomplish our goals.  Fear or indecision can paralyze us. Monitoring the results of our effort is useful if it is corrective without stultifying.  It is a balancing act to be courageous without abrasiveness. 

7th – Saturday – Sun Quincunx Mars –  Knowing where to put our attention requires patience.  We all would like to express something.  It is easy to become angry, but this is not very helpful.   Our immediate impulses may be off the mark.  Waiting a bit longer to respond to changes might be more meaningful. 

8th – Sunday –  It’s time to decide what stays and what goes.  Letting go of cherished beliefs and personal goals is the first step in allowing environmental needs to shape our attitude, goals, and finally our destiny.  

9th – Monday – Venus Opposite Mars – Strong men and strong women run into each other.  We can be on parallel paths but not parallel universes.  Agreement is not necessary, but being united for a common purpose is a good thing and achievable. 

10th – Tuesday –  Mercury enters Scorpio, Venus Contra-parallel Mars –  Self-analysis allows us to plunge beneath the surface of current events.  The reality is not in the external world, but in our own inner processes.  Research brings results. 

11th – Wednesday – Venus Quincunx Neptune –  We are on the lighter side of life today.  Making the world more beautiful through artistic expression can lift our spirits; alternately we might just enjoy the beauty of nature.  Some recent difficulties fade away as unimportant; conversations may resolve some lingering issues. 

12th – Thursday – Venus Parallel Neptune, Jupiter Conjunct Pluto –  Big ideas and big plans are germinating.  Our goals and expectations need some grounding in the world of facts to have any potency.  Setting intentions is good, but waiting a few days to put them into action is prudent and productive.

13th – Friday –  Mercury Sesquiquadrate Neptune, Mars turns Direct – We have reached the tipping point.  Meditation can be particularly fruitful; creative thoughts will have wings of their own. Waiting and observing is more beneficial than plunging forward.

14th – Saturday – Sun Sextile Pluto, Sun Sextile Jupiter –  We have encouraging signs of some important breakthroughs.   A lot is brewing behind the scenes.  There is genuine luck if we can see how to harness it.  The guidelines are clear; we must obey the rules, but still take a step forward. 

15th – Sunday – The New Moon is at 12:08 AM EST on 23 degrees of Scorpio, Venus Square Pluto –  Rock solid plans can have us dreaming of a better day to come.  We build confidence by listening to others, and not trying to correct or challenge them.  New information is grist for the mill.  Letting go of painful people and situations gives us freedom from worry.

16th – Monday – Venus Square Jupiter –   Overextension can lead to trouble.  Our eye is naturally on expansion, but we need to take care of obligations that are immediately present. This is more useful than being swept up in long range visions of an uncertain future. 

17th – Tuesday – Mercury Opposite Uranus – The first steps forward in a new direction can be rewarding.  There are things in the world that we can’t control, but still affect our lives.  Large scale social developments are occurring now.  We find personal adjustments by being calm and detached.  Each of us has a contribution to make to the collective good. 

18th – Wednesday –  Staying on task may be difficult if it seems we don’t have the tools to solve the problems we are facing.  Life with others is easier when we keep our emotional equilibrium.  Better times are just around the corner.

19th – Thursday – Sun Sextile Saturn, Venus Square Saturn, Mercury Contra-parallel Uranus, Sun Semi-sextile Venus – We must stay on course.  We dream about things that would promise a more just world; however, some really basic tasks are required that, while not flashy, are necessary.  Momentary setbacks are a foreshowing of needed self-correction. The road ahead is bright. All our energy can be put to good use.

20th – Friday –  Actually, we can get on a more positive and progressive footing.  All that is required is to have faith in the Almighty and accept help.  Unexpected interventions point the way, and if we don’t resist, can place us on a more positive path. 

21st – Saturday –  Mars Contra-parallel Neptune, Venus enters Scorpio, Sun enters Sagittarius –  Devotion to a cause can inspire us to take bold steps forward.  We are in an adventuresome mood, but hard work is in front of us.  After all we have been through this year, a little more effort won’t set us back. 

22nd – Sunday – Sun Sesquiquadrate Mars, Mercury Quincunx Mars –   Brash actions or impulsive speech can disrupt our routines.  Arguments are unproductive and a waste of time.  Applying energy and vision to the task at hand can be brilliant if we don’t alienate those that are sent to help us. 

23rd – Monday – Venus Sesquiquadrate Neptune, Mercury Trine Neptune – Inspiration is enlivening our regular duties.   New possibilities emerge.  Everything seems easier than it did a few weeks ago.  We all feel energy building toward a crescendo.  Many of us will be going it alone, but it is possible to reach out and include others in our dreamy vision of life renewed. 

24th – Tuesday –   It’s a time of taking action.  Theories provide motivation, but they only have significance when they are put into practice.  Healing the gulf between how we are and how we would like to be comes through honest self-appraisal.  Next, we must be willing to do the work. 

25th – Wednesday – Sun Parallel Saturn –  Careful planning and diligent effort makes this day productive.  It is important to keep moving even when the humdrum signals from the environment seem less than inspiring.  This is one of those moments where we must “make hay while the sun is shining.” 

26th – Thursday –  When we feel that circumstances conspire against us, it is time to stop, take stock, and see what the cosmos has in mind for us.  Sometimes when a door closes we have to go headlong anyway; sometimes we need to change directions; and others times we just have to remain calm and wait.  Wisdom comes by deciphering the personal message in the unforeseen. 

27th – Friday –  Mercury Sextile Pluto, Venus Opposite Uranus –   Plans change.  Unexpected interests interrupt our journey.  Inviting others into our world, or joining them in theirs, is exciting.  Doors are opening and opportunity arrives.  It’s ok to think big and take some bold steps.  There is a cascade effect, where one challenge, correctly handled, leads to something even more interesting. 

28th – Saturday – Sun Parallel Jupiter, Neptune turns Direct, Mercury Sextile Jupiter – Our vision widens and our ethical grid correctly filters the approaching circumstances.  Enthusiasm and joy prompts decisions; life seems more vibrant.  Even with a great lift in spirits, our actions have to stay on some realistic track to have any meaningful effect.

29th – Sunday – Sun Quincunx Uranus, Sun Semi-square Pluto –  It is important that we don’t get pulled off the railroad only to get lost in the wilderness of unobtainable treasures.  Some of what we see is fanciful imagination, some of our vision is for the future, and some of it is mental cleansing.  Being at peace and meditating allow evaluation of our situation more clearly. 

30th – Monday –  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 4:31 AM EST is on the 8th degree of Sagittarius/Gemini, Venus Contra-parallel Uranus, Mercury Sextile Saturn –  Letting go of the past is the mantra for this eclipse day.  By choosing freedom, we easily renounce relationships, circumstances, and projects that imprison us.  Gaining true detachment comes in stages as it is a process. Taking affirming steps leaves us feeling happier and more useful. 

Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at  Visit our website,


Last time I looked, there were 163 unconfirmed requests from Net Atlantic for my newsletter.  This means people requested it but did not return the confirming email.  If you get this newsletter, but not from your email, it could be that you never returned the confirming email sent to you.  This seems to happen every month. 

The website has been healed.  Thank you to Steven Pfeiffer digging in and getting rid of the malicious code.   In the near future, the website will expand.  Before too long, articles that I have written will be posted there.  I’m considering other things of interest to include. 

Our last “Question and Answer” session on Zoom seemed to be liked by all who attended.  Thank you for taking the time to let me know how you feel.  It seems that you really enjoyed it.  The material I presented is from my upcoming book.  I’m really glad that you were able to follow it.  Since I’m connecting at this level, I will present some companion material in my next session with you.   Let me know if you would like to attend and you will receive a link.  The session will be on Sunday, November 8th from Noon to 1 PM EST. 

I served as a greeter at the polls for early voting here in Florida.   So many people that I talked with had very false information about political parties and candidates.   Naturally I have been ‘beating the drum’ on this subject of how people get news.   I took this collective confusion as an omen.   I need to be more diligent in my own information gathering.   I love to read, but I have found many historical documentaries on YouTube the help expand my understanding of the larger context of current events. 

I’ve been more involved in circumstances in the world.  All creation is a dream, an illusion.  Still, this illusion is necessary for the development of consciousness.  I’m in the process of finishing up what I must for this lifetime.  When things are going wonderfully in life, most people do not get interested in growing in consciousness.  It takes a crisis to wake us up; there is a higher meaning to life.  I have been most fortunate that my own journey to truth has been joyful.

Several years back I started reconnecting with people from my past that I had slighted.  I’ve asked for forgiveness.   I could not do this with a clear conscience until I’d forgiven everyone that I feel had hurt me in some way.  I’ve forgiven all from my past long ago. 

Coming in April, I will give a series of talks covering what I have learned during the last half a century.  Originally I had planned to do this in November of 2023, but an inner prompting, and external circumstances, has forced a speed up in this time line.  As a spiritual aspirant and an astrologer, I have tried to share some of this through channels that I felt would be most appropriate, but I see clearly now; I must do this entirely under my own banner.  Still all are welcome.

Animal population declined by 70% in 50 years.  – From the World Wildlife Fund, this short clip is worth 1:22 of your time: 

Climate change affects every area of life.  Out of the many documentaries I have seen on what we are doing to the environment, this is the first one that gave me hope.  If you have Netflix please, please, please make the time to see it: “Kiss the Ground”.  You absolutely must see it.  This is the manifestation of Uranus in Taurus I have been waiting for, maybe you have too. 

“To penetrate into the essence of all being and significance and to release the fragrance of that inner attainment for the goodness and benefit of others, by expressing, in the world of forms, truth, love, purity and beauty— this is the sole game which has intrinsic and absolute worth.”    Meher Baba 

Bob Mulligan is available for personal appointments, astrology classes, and astrological material.  Call him at 239-261-2840 or by e-mail at  Visit our website,